Indian gymnast Dipa Karmakar recently expressed her frustration with the Sports Authority of India (SAI) for excluding her from the Indian gymnastics team for the Hangzhou Asian Games. Despite her success in the selection trials held on July 11 and 12 in Bhubaneswar, Dipa was dropped from the team for not meeting the criteria set by the sports ministry. In a series of tweets on Independence Day, Dipa criticized the authorities for their silence and lack of communication regarding her exclusion.
Dipa, who was initially included in the long list of Indian athletes submitted to the Asian Games organizers before the July 15 deadline, explained that her non-selection has left her demotivated and discouraged. She expressed her anticipation for the Asian Games, which she had eagerly awaited for the past two years, and lamented that it now seems out of reach.
Despite having topped the national trials and meeting the ministry’s selection criteria, Dipa was surprised to find herself deprived of the opportunity to participate in the Asian Games. To her disappointment, the reasons behind this decision have not been officially communicated to her. Instead, she and her fellow gymnasts had to learn about their exclusion through the media. Dipa expressed her confusion and dissatisfaction with this lack of clarity.
During a recent meeting between Sudhir Mittal, the president of the Gymnastics Federation of India (GFI), Deepak Kabra, a GFI expert, and SAI officials, it was agreed that Dipa did not meet the selection criteria. Furthermore, her request for compassionate consideration was denied.
The selection criteria, as outlined by the ministry, stated that the performance of the sportspersons in individual events during the 12 months leading up to the Asian Games should be no less than that achieved by the eighth position holder in measurable sports at the 2018 Asian Games.
Dipa has faced various challenges in recent years, including injuries since 2019 and a 21-month doping suspension, which prevented her from competing.